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A Private Retreat

Sun, Jun 11


Location is TBD

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A Private Retreat
A Private Retreat

Time & Location

Jun 11, 2023, 7:12 AM – 7:27 AM

Location is TBD

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About Sandy


"For You made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You." Saint Augustine

I know what it’s like for life to be crazy. I raised 5 kids in a difficult marriage then as a single mom.  Plus my 13 year-old son died in a car accident.  


Season after season I've learned to pour out my soul before the Lord. He often has been my only hope as I met Him with many tears while meditating on the Scriptures.  In those moments I gain His personal care and comfort by relishing the steadfast love, peace, and guidance of my God. (Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit).

"In Your Presence there is fullness of joy." Psalm 16:11 "Joy" because He is always glad to be with us. He sees us and hears us. No wound or question is too deep. Corrie Ten Boom said, "There is no pit so deep, that God's love is not deeper still". In that truth, we are invited to "Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord." Lamentations 2:19b

My passion is in guiding women to do the same. To share how to know the Lord, be still before Him, and create a space in your life to be renewed and refreshed by Him.

I would love nothing more than to spend time with you, praying for you, and encouraging you.

BA in Biblical Education . Certified Spiritual Director .
Trauma Informed . Individual Inner Healing Sessions
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Refresh With God

Sandy Traugott

Orlando Florida


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